生活英語: 近視遠視英文

學英文多年, 您們知道以下生字/ 句子英文怎樣表達?
1. 您近視幾度?
What's your eyeglass prescription?
2. 我近視450度
I am nearsighted with 4.5 diopters. / I have positive 4.5 shortsightedness.
3. 我遠視450度
I am farsighted with 4.5 diopters. /I have negative 4.5 farsightedness.
4. 淺近視
I am slightly shortsighted/ nearsighted.
5. 深近視
I am heavily nearsighted.
6. 我近視愈來愈深
My myopia is getting severe. / worse
7. 您近視深嗎?
Is your myopia severe?
8. 青光眼 glaucoma
9. 白內障 cataract
10. 老花presbyopia 老花眼鏡 - presbyopic glasses
11. 眼朦 My eyes suddenly got blurry. / My vision is blurry.
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